Tuesday, July 31, 2012

#70 - Fist Pump

Today is my last day at work. Am I excited? Hell yeah!

After 3 months of contractual torture, I can finally bid goodbye to this place. And when I said contractual torture, I meant the on and off love-hate relationship towards my job, assignments as well as my colleagues. I feel not doing anything today but I know it's impossible.

So, what's next on my plate? Housewife FTW!

Hopefully I get to learn to cook more dishes, bake more cookies (probably unlikely), fold/iron more clothes and etc. And on top of that, I hope I could recite Quran as much as I could. 

Let me enjoy the time before I go back to working life again some time in the future.

Till then.

Friday, July 27, 2012

#69 - Langkawi Trip Snapshot Part 2

Since I am quite pissed off with the assignment that I'm currently working on, I decided to write another entry on Langkawi.

1) The initial plan was to go the Langkawi Geopark to ride on the cable car. Since it was raining very heavily we made a slight change and went to Buffalo Park. You can see how mozzarella cheese was made, feed the buffalo and some other activities. BUT, unfortunately the place was close on Friday. It would only open at 3 after Friday prayer. Imagine the frustration?!

So we helped ourselves with ice cream made from buffalo milk. Takde rezeki nak tengok kerbau. It would be interesting as it would be something different.

2) After lunch and Zohor prayer, we went to Geopark. Finally the long awaited cable car ride. Here's the thing, my mother-in-law was a bit worried because I was too active and suddenly I can hear my mom's saying that she is worried too. Lepas tu, dah cuak. Tapi naik jugak. Hehe.

Check out the view. Isn't it breathtaking?

3) Went to the famous The Loaf. It's like must visit place although (obviously) the pastries is a little bit expensive than your normal bakeries.

Check out the view. Sangat The O.C

4) Off to Pantai Pasir Tengkorak. We almost jumped into the water when a young boy got sting by jelly fish. Bermain di gigi air lah nampaknya.

Can you spot my baby bump?

5) Next is chocolate shopping. The off to major tourist spots like Lang Square and Lagenda Langkawi.

Ok dah malas nak eleborate. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Till then.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

#68 - Executive Search 101

I started my career (or lack thereof) in executive search about 5 years ago. When I joined the first company, I have been educated that executive search is meant for top management recruitment due to certain confidentiality of the position. 

Executive Search is rarely done for junior level position although there are a few firms specialized in junior level assignments. Ok, here's the thing. My current organization supposedly specialized in senior/top level management positions. We have a different unit that is specialized in junior positions. But now, as we speak, I'm working on a junior level positions. I must say it's a tough assignment and not to mention ridiculous.

Why is it tough and ridiculous?

Being a recruiter, our main method of getting candidates is through cold calling . It could be tricky because you can't expose yourself until you speak to the right person and the art of manipulating is very much needed at this point. For example, when you asked for the junior accountant they will transfer you to the Finance Manager or sometimes to the CFO's secretary. 

Do you see the pattern now? It's very easy to get the name of the Manager or CFO but not the accountant. Imagine if I have to find an engineer in a manufacturing company.

This is why working on a junior position is a much more trickier than a senior position. 

Based on my discussion with my colleague who shared the same sentiment as mine, we concluded a few more points why assignments on junior position is a bit tough.

1) Let say we managed to get the name and speak to the potential candidate. They sent their updated resume and it's time to meet face to face for further discussion. To arrange for the appointment could be very   challenging as most of them would prefer to meet after work because they can't take leave. Or if need to take leave, we have to tell them a few days in advance because of the company policy. This based on our own experience.

2) They don't understand what executive search is. Well, can you blame them when they never been exposed to this practice before? You have to explain to them how does it work and they need a little bit of assurance on our side. My colleague was laughing when one of the candidates asked a rather naive question. I told him off. I said, "they are not sure about how does this work and of course if they are not sure they need to ask. You can't expect them to know everything"

"But the clause is very straightforward"

"Yeah, but could be confusing too"

3) They thought we are selling them products or maybe promoting MLM. Most of the immediate feedback that we get is "I am not interested". 

As much as I enjoy being in this line, working on a this kind of assignment can be frustrating. 

Till then.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

#67 - TOTD: On names and marriage

Mufti Ismail Menk tweeted on these 2 subjects and I think I should share them with all of you.

On naming our children:
When naming our children we should ensure a beautiful meaning rather than an exotic sounding name void of meaning. Some parents ignorantly choose names that have a bad meaning just because it sounds good. The child then grows up being called a bad name. To avoid distortions, it is wise to choose a name that will be pronounced with ease by the community the child will grow up in.
On marriage:
A growing number of young do not realize that marriage is not a perpetual honeymoon. Marriage is a great sacrifice and a major adjustment is required for it to be blissful. What is the point of looking good together according to the world when the whole house is in disarray. In marriage, humble beginnings result in more appreciated relationships that last longer in most cases.
Something for us to ponder. 

Till then.

#66 - Langkawi Trip Snapshot Part 1

Here's a snapshot from my recent trip to Langkawi. It has been quite a journey for all of us especially for yours truly. A lot of things/activities can't be done. But c'est la vie. 

1) Our flight departed at 8.30 and we reached Langkawi Airport approximately at 9.30am. The airport was fairly small so we didn't have to walk very far to collect our bags. By this time, the land lady already waiting for us with our 2 rented cars.

2) We were brought to the homestay which was situated in Jalan Mata Ayer, Ulu Melaka. It's double storey house with 3 bedrooms (equipped with aircond), 2 bathrooms (equipped with heater), kitchen (equipped with cooking utensils), dining and living hall. The land lady even prepared us breakfast. Talk about good hospitality.

3) Our first tourist spot of the day was Galeria Perdana. You can see collection of gifts and souvenirs given to our ex-Prime Minister from other countries' leaders. It was actually quite interesting to see other countries' culture through their gifts.

4) Went to Cenang Beach. Initially we wanted to chill by the beach but can't do so because of the elders. So we stuck, didn't know what to do and ended up walking almost more than 2km to find place to eat.

5) Though most of us tired because of the excessive walking and lack of sleep, we still managed to squeeze some time to play "Hello Jack". A very hilarious game. We went to bed at midnight because it's going to be another long day tomorrow.

Till then.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

#65 - Done!

I've tendered my resignation officially today. My last day of working will be at the end of this month. I had enough dealing with ridiculous assignments and difficult Clients. It's not healthy to be mad and stress every single day. Not good for me and the baby.

No point dwelling on it. People don't want to listen me rambling about my work every single hour of the day. Orang pun bosan and menyampah.

I just want to relax and enjoy my Ramadhan.

Till then.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

#64 - Now or Never

This is what I feel like doing at my office right now. Scream at the top of my lung and shout, "Can you stop being so kancheong?!"

The thing about my this particular colleague of mine, he is not really helpful in terms of helping me in getting candidates. Yes, he would give me an idea but it's not that strategic enough if you are looking for candidates with specific technical skills. 

When I first entered the recruitment industry, from what I understood from my previous employer, executive search is all about top management recruitment. But now, I'm doing a junior position which is more difficult than a senior position.

I talked to my colleague (which is now based at a Client's office) about ending my contract by end of this month, 2 weeks earlier than initial agreement. She said, "just do whatever you have to do and as long as you are happy." 

Although I keep on having doubts about my decision, but I think it is time to do something. It is not fun to go to work anymore and it has become unnecessary stress for me handling difficult client and ridiculous assignment.

Everything at this workplace began to annoy me. Seriously, I have to go.

Right now, I'm just waiting for En. Suami to give me his blessing so I can see my Superior regarding this matter.

Hopefully everything will goes well for me because I don't want to end up being like this.

Monday, July 16, 2012

#63 - Holla

Hello peeps.

Back in KL safe and sound. Langkawi was great although we didn't get to go to the beach as much as we wanted.

Will update on Langkawi with pictures. I looked very pregnant in every shots. Hehe.

Till then. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

#62 - On a Beach Holiday

I'll be off to Langkawi Island with En. Suami and his family tomorrow. It was quite spontaneous trip because initially we planned to go a bit later of the year. But after an impromptu discussion on Langkawi, for some reason we found ourselves in front of the pc anf booked the flight ticket.

We will be flying with MAS. The tickets were quite reasonable as compared to AirAsia and Firefly (this is THE MOST expensive) and we managed to redeem our enrich points so we saved quite a lot.

The last time I was in Langkawi, I was only 7 years old. And it was only for 2D1N. This time around we get to stay a little bit longer.

I am pretty sure there are a lot changes and improvements (like duh!) in Langkawi so I am very excited.

Please pray for our safety. Will update on the trip once I'm back. 

Be good everyone.

Till then.

Monday, July 9, 2012

#61 - Snippets of the Week Part 2

It has been a while since I last posted pictures on this blog. So, during our little outing/date last week, I tried to snap a few photos but not too much though because we were busy eating and talking.

1) We went for our monthly check up but with a different doctor. The one that we usually saw was on leave last Saturday. Initially we wanted to see her on Friday but because of the bad traffic we couldn't make it. Based on our personal point of view, we preferred Dr. K rather than Dr. Z. We felt that Dr. K is more friendly and more informative. Anyway, we thought we could see the gender of Little Star but we couldn't just yet. So we have to wait for next month check up to find out (hopefully).

2) We went to Ampang for my friend's daughter's aqiqah. We basically there for lunch. Thought of going out for shopping after that but looking at the traffic condition, we decided to stay in. At least, I managed to re-organize both of our closets. 

3) After dinner, we decided to have some ice cream so we scouted for the best place to hang out. Unfortunately there's not much choice. We ended up buying McD's ice cream sundae and enjoyed them in the comfort of our own couch.

4) Sunday is our lazy day. We stayed in and did nothing. And of course, there was Wimbeldon's final game.

It has been a very laid back weekend. I wished I could do more. Like sorting the laundry and whatever not but I think we did some progress by re-organizing the closet. More space for En. Suami and me. Now we only need to make some space for Little Star.

Can't wait to have our own love nest in the future.

Till then.

Friday, July 6, 2012

#60 - Tick Tock

Lately, I've been thinking a lot with regards to my career path. Well, not so much on career but you get what I mean. 

My working experience started off in recruitment and I've been in the industry for almost 5 years. Last year, I took a break from recruitment and decided to do administration work. I actually quite like the admin work but definitely not with PR firm. Why not PR firm although I used to have this ambition to become a PR practitioner? One thing for sure, I don't like the idea working after 6 and people actually expected me to reply message/email at 9 -10pm!

To me after 6 is family time. If En. Suami can put everything away after 6, why can't I? After all, he is supposed to be my top priority.

Coming to the end of my temporary employment next month, I started to think what I want to do next. Part of me, I wanted to work in admin side in a relatively small company so less headache. But the ambitious (not so much) side of me wanted to work in another aspect of HR to enhance my knowledge and experience. You know, like talent management etc.

I had a discussion with my colleague the other day and she encouraged me to either continue with recruitment or explore another branch of HR. She believes I am better off in HR rather than admin.

This is where I contemplated a lot. 

Sometimes I wish I had taken a more specific course so I can be definite on what I want to be and to do. 

Well after end of August, I have exactly 4 months to decide what I want to do. But I must act fast as time waits no one.

Till then.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

#59 - Mama/Baby Update Part 1

Lately I noticed some new developments on my pregnancy;

1) I can't eat too much. Everything must be in moderation. The other day, I had a small portion of nasi lemak  for breakfast, porridge for lunch and chicken cheese sausage for dinner. The day after that, I had a pack of nasi lemak for breakfast, a plate of mixed rice for lunch and dinner. By the time I finished my dinner, I was bloated and my tummy stretched so much that I can't sit. And for the past 2 days, I tried to control my food intake and I feel better. So I concluded that I can't that much.

2) During my first pregnancy, I could not take Nescafe at all so it was quite easy for me to stop drinking for a while. This time around after my first trimester, I was being a little bit adventurous so I drank a bit. It was good at the first time. But nowadays, I noticed Nescafe gives very bad after taste and makes me nauseous. Hot Milo and tea also gives the same kind of feeling. The only thing (so far) that I can drink in iced Milo. So, for the time being, I have to settle for iced Milo for breakfast.

3) The Little Star now is kicking like mad. Though there were still very soft and faint but enough to make his/her presence felt. I can't wait for our monthly check up this Saturday. I miss the Little Star already. Especially En. Suami because he missed last month's check up because I went on Friday instead of Saturday.

Till then.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

#58 - Being ME

I've been thinking a lot lately. Not only about work, my pregnancy, the preparation to welcome our little bundle of joy in the world, house chores, how to make perfect dinner but also on my dressing.

You see, I do wear hijab but I think I do not fully embrace the whole concept of covering your aurah. Before  I got married, I made a "promise" to myself to wear loose-fitting clothes, to always observe my aurah but I think I kinda not fulfill it. YET.

En. Suami made some comments about some of my clothes for being a little bit too tight and short. I took it as a sign not to wear them anymore but that does not necessarily made me not wearing other clothes.

But slowly, I know I have to do it now. My first baby step would be putting away the old, tight fitting clothes, get more loose fitting dresses and blouses and lowering my hijab until it covers my chest. It would take a while though but I want to make it happen. 

I just need all the support that I can. May Allah ease my journey of becoming a better Muslimah and wife.


Till then.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

#57 - Is It Done, Already?

I was down with fever, flu and cough last week. I was on half day leave on Thursday and medical leave on Friday. God knows how much I wanted to be in bed, do nothing but rest.

Yesterday (Monday), I practically did nothing at the office because my body ache so much and I feel so tired. I'm supposed to get something for dinner since En. Suami won't be around as he had a farewell dinner to attend to but I ended up lying on the couch, catching up with Masterchef Selebriti. I only had sausage for dinner.

Today, I was motivated to do my job but the new assignment is killing me. I hate complaining every single day but I just don't have the motivation to work at this place anymore.