Wednesday, January 11, 2012

#25 - Back Up Plan


Going back to working life means I have limited time to do house chores; laundry, cooking, cleaning up etc. Everything have to be done in the span of 3 hours. Why 3 hours? I reached home around 7 - 7.30pm and by 11pm I have to be ready for bed.

Last week, I didn't get to do so much as I was so tired. Mind you I haven't travel with public transportation for more than 3 years now. So by the time I reached home and prepared dinner, I was so tired and can hardly move my leg.

As much as I want to everything on weekend, I could not do so. Because by the time weekend comes, the house will look like a total shipwreck. I don't think I can live in a mess for that long and pity En. Suami. Plus, on weekend we always off to En. Suami's hometown or involved in some other social activities.

Now, I'm learning to spread my chores. Every 2 days, I would do laundry before I go to work. Then, I while I'm preparing dinner, I'll put them in the dryer. So by the time we finish dinner, laundry is done and I can fold the clothes while watching tv.

Every other day, I'll iron En. Suami's work clothes so I don't have to do it in the morning.

Other major stuff like mopping, vacuuming, I have to wait until weekend though. I don't want to drain my energy so much because I have to wake up early.

Sounds like a good plan, eh?

Let's see if I can follow my own system.

Till then.

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