Monday, October 1, 2012

#79 - Productive Monday

Today must have been one of the productive days during my third trimester. I swept the floor and cleaned the windows. I wished to do so much more but I always need to remind myself not to overdo things. Need to remind myself that I am 8 months pregnant.

I tend to do a lot of things that my body cannot handle and by the end of the day, I suffered. A lot! Thus, the need of the constant reminders.

If you are wondering what I have been doing ever since I resigned, I did a lot of folding and cooking (and a lot of tv). Not so much of cleaning. So, since today I don't have to cook for dinner, I took the opportunity to clean and organize our room which looked like a total shipwrecked.

The next thing on my plate would be getting the stuff ready for the baby. Need to pack for the hospital bag as well as pack for the stuff that we are going to bring my mom's place. Hopefully, we could get half the things done by end of this week.

Plus, I need to settle the laundry as well. But I need to wait for En. Suami to do it. It's a bummer that I could not lift heavy things at this point otherwise I'd settle the laundry myself. Do you know, doing laundry is one the house chores that pregnant lady should avoid. You don't? Well, there you go. You're welcome.

Hopefully, I still have the energy to do all the pending tasks. So many things to do yet so little time.

Till then.

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