Thursday, September 26, 2013

#104 - Hot Date


Lately, it's hard for En. Suami and me to have a decent date. Let alone a quality one. Often, when we were out for a drink, someone would called and asked us to come back because Inas was crying.

A few weeks back, we went out for a movie date since my mom willing to take care of her for couple of hours.  So off we go to Midvalley. Upon reaching the GSC's counter, we found out that there's only one seat left for Chennai Express. Being such an understanding wife, I let En. Husband to go ahead with the movie and I watched a different movie. So much of a date lah kan.

Then, last week my brother-in-law offered a few tickets to Siti Nurhaliza's Lentera Timur Concert. Rezeki because we were looking for the tickets. Finally, another chance of a decent date. I dressed up in my new dress, new shawl given by my mother-in-law and put on my highest heels. Felt like old days.

We truly enjoyed our date. We sang and danced to all Siti's songs. (yes, both of us are Siti's fan).

Look forward to more decent and quality dates in the future.

Insya Allah.

Till then.

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