Monday, September 30, 2013

#105 - Becoming A Housewife


I believe the hottest topic among my close friends is becoming a full time housewife. Most of us dream of this rewarding job ever but how many of us can actually have this.

A friend said "if you don't mind not getting new things, wearing same old clothes, lack of sleep and etc. Come and join the club" (A mother of one year old daughter).

Another friend said, " jadi housewife seronok sebab boleh shopping on weekdays and tak sesak. Paling best, boleh marathon sinetron" (Mother of 3)

As for me, I had the opportunity of becoming a full time housewife for a year when I decided to join back the working world. Why did I decide to go back to working life? Commitments. I have to pay for my student loan, insurance and car monthly installment. And like I said, not everyone has the luxury to choose whether to work or not.

Masa jadi housewife, memang can't afford to shop sebab duit simpanan memang habis bayar my commitments. Antara sebab lain pulak, sebab I want to help my husband. Kesian dia terpaksa handle the burden alone. Walaupun sebenarnya dia memang sangat suka if I can stay at home jaga anak.

Now, bila dah bekerja walaupun masih belum dapat enjoy my salary sepenuhnya tapi lega sebab dapat tolong my husband whenever possible. Memang masih menanti waktu yang sesuai for me to resign for good. Insya Allah masa tu commitments pun dah kurang. Or mungkin pada masa my husband's salary dah naik. Hahah. Joking.

Pucuk pangkal, terpulang pada niat kita. Insya Allah permudahkan segalanya.

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