Thursday, September 6, 2012

#75 - Tick Tock Tick Tock

I am currently on my 31st week and approximately 7-8 weeks to go. Nervous? Yes. Excited? Yes. But believe it or not, we have not prepare anything yet for the baby. Yes, we did buy some clothes during our trip to UK but seriously, it could not last more than 2 weeks.

We planned to do the shopping at the end of this month. Hopefully sempat lah kan. Need to plan out what to buy (the necessities). If the baby decided to come out early, s/he just need to settle sleeping on comforter and wearing clothes twice the size.

En. Suami and me also has been listing a few possible names for our baby. Didn't know, finding a name could be a chore. Like, seriously. Every time when we think of a name, it would always ended with "eh macam nama anak orang tu, anak orang nie". Not helping when both of us came from a big family with lots of nieces, nephews and young cousins. And not to mention, our friends' children.

Need to sign off. Housewife duty is calling me and I have like 2 basket full of laundry to fold. 

Till then.

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