Wednesday, August 6, 2014

#128 - Selamat Hari Raya


Selamat hari raya and maaf zahir dan batin, everyone! Hope everyone had a good raya celebration with your loved ones. Minta maaf lah kalau ada readers yang menanti entry baru di blog ini.

Obviously, I have been busy. I was practically swarmed with work and was exceptionally busy the week before raya. Orang lain sibuk pikir kuih raya and whatever not, aku dok pikir bilalah semua kerja nie nak habis. I rather finish or complete all the important things before going off for my one week break so that my manager won’t call and bug me (but she did on the third day of raya)

Anyway, we went back to Kuantan and Pekan for our raya celebration as this year is my husband’s turn. We off to Kuantan on Saturday morning and the journey took us about 6 and half hours. Gila. Normally it would take us 3 hours max to reach my in laws. Sakit satu badan.

Celebrating raya in Pekan means chaos on raya morning. Nak berebut toilet, nak pakai iron, nak bersalam raya, nak photoshoot family photo. Serious! This time around, ada pulak yang akan jerit “Selfie” at random times and semua pakat berlari nak masuk frame. Kelakar tapi seronok.

And one person that truly enjoyed herself was my Twinkle. Had a great time playing with the cousins and collecting duit raya. She was quite unsure why people keep giving her small, colourful packets but once she understood the concept, she would go and collect the duit raya herself.

Alhamdulillah, I have been given another opportunity to be with my loved ones on this special day. Look forward to more celebrations in the future.

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