Thursday, March 20, 2014

#123 - Babbling


It has been a crazy-roller-coaster month. Beginning of the month, the whole of Malaysia woke up to MH370 of MAS lost while flying to Beijing. While the incident happened about 12 days ago, there are no definite answers on where the plane is now. 

When I first found out about the news, I was actually numb and had butterflies in my stomach. You see, my family and I travel a lot. Either for work or leisure. Almost every other month, we will send someone at the airport. It could happen to anyone of us. Just weeks before that, my husband mentioned about going to Beijing as he has never been there. But, I brushed off the idea as I was not really keen to go there just yet. I could not bring myself to imagine what if we were on that plane?

However, when some people are considerate enough to think of the families' feelings and their sensitive state of mind, there are still a lot of people think it's funny and appropriate to speculate, make up some theories and passing judgments to the crew, passengers and airlines. 

It is already reaching beyond sickening. I don't have a word to describe these unfortunate shallow-minded citizens of Malaysia.

Enough babbling on MH370. May Allah protect us all and ease our journey of finding the plane and bring everyone back to the loved ones.

On the other hand, for the first time after so many years I am overwhelmed with work. There are a lot of things to do and catch up. Familiarize myself with system, SOP etc. Everyday, before I switch off my computer I would spend a few minutes to write down thing-to-do for the next day. That's a first, I might add. There are times when I have so many things to do that I do not know where and what to start. Even with that list in hand, I only managed to cross out one or two things from the list as there would be unexpected meetings and interviews to attend to.

But. I am not complaining. For once, I feel sense of belonging. I belong the company, to the department and people actually come to me for advice and opinions. 


May Allah always bless this opportunity that He has given me.

Break is over and back to work!

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