Monday, June 17, 2013

#95 - Happy Baba's Day

Yesterday, the world celebrated Father’s Day. Though there are still debates going around about how we can’t celebrate Father’s Day (or any other Days for that matter), I have my own stand.

I lost my father at the tender age of 14. Up until now, there’s a huge hole inside my heart every time I think about my late father.  I feel that I didn’t spend enough time with him; I didn’t get to treat him with my own salary, and of course, the fact that he was not around to give me away.

Growing up without him was tough. Not helping when he used to spoil me. I had a very huge standard when it comes to type of man I want to marry. I want that person to be like my Abah.

Alhamdulillah.  I married that person.

He has been a wonderful husband.  Now, an amazing father to our Little Star.

Recently, during our car ride from doctor’s appointment he told that “I hope I always know how to make Inas laugh”.

I almost cried when he said this and I told him, “You will always know how to make her laugh and smile. You are her Baba and her hero”

Happy Father’s Day, Sayang. 

Please continue finding ways to make our girl smile and laugh.

Please continue to be our own Superhero.

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